Cause: Aside from damage caused by crashes, the main reason is that a short circuit in the FPV damages the FPV wiring harness or the main controller power supply.
Troubleshooting Methods:
1、First, check if the fan wiring harness is damaged.
2、Connect the fan wiring harness to a new main controller interface to see if it works. If it works, replace the main controller.
3、Disconnect the FPV wiring harness to see if the fan works. If it works, replace the FPV wiring harness.
After startup, the domain controller attempts to establish a network connection with the radar within 45 seconds. If the connection is successful and radar data is obtained, the radar is recognized. If the connection cannot be established or no radar data is received within 45 seconds, recognition fails.
Troubleshooting Methods:
Check the radar status:
Go to the APP main interface → Device Management → Drone, then scroll down to view the working status of each radar (try clicking Refresh)
Troubleshooting Methods for Single Radar Not Recognized:‘
1、Disconnect the FPV (if the FPV is short-circuited due to water ingress, it may affect the radar's power supply) and test if the radar is recognized normally.
2、Replace the wiring harness or replace the radar for cross-verification.
3、Replace the main controller, as the issue may be caused by an internal network-related link abnormality in the brain (main controller).
The domain controller successfully recognizes the radar, but if no data is received from the radar for 1.5 seconds continuously during flight, a "no communication" fault is triggered, and the aircraft will hover. If communication is restored within 30 seconds, the mission will continue. Radar communication loss is usually accompanied by no radar data.
Troubleshooting Methods:
1、Disconnect the FPV (if the FPV is short-circuited due to water ingress, it may lower the radar's power supply voltage) and test if the system operates normally.
2、Replace the wiring harness or replace the radar for cross-verification.
3、Replace the main controller, as the issue may be caused by an internal network-related link abnormality in the brain (main controller).
Communication link abnormality between the main control port and the 360° radar port.
1、Check for abnormalities between the main control port (105MR) and the right longitudinal signal port.
2、Inspect the connection of the right longitudinal signal harness to the radar for any issues.
3、Verify if a nozzle ESC (Electronic Speed Controller) short circuit is causing communication issues between the radar and the main controller.
The domain controller successfully recognizes the radar, but if no radar point cloud data is received for 1.5 seconds continuously during flight, a "no data" fault is triggered, and the aircraft will hover. If the data is restored within 30 seconds, the mission will continue. The absence of radar data does not necessarily indicate a communication failure; it may be caused by a radar malfunction. If both "no data" and "no communication" faults are reported, troubleshoot using the "no communication" fault procedure.
Troubleshooting Methods:
1、Check the backend to see if the radar has reported any faults (e.g., code disk abnormality). If the radar itself continuously reports faults leading to no data, replace the radar.
2、Disconnect the FPV (if the FPV is short-circuited due to water ingress, it may lower the radar's power supply voltage, causing scanning system abnormalities) and test if the system operates normally.
3、Remove the radar and check for unusual noises. If unusual noises are present, return the radar to the factory for repair.
4、If no unusual noises are detected, replace the radar for cross-verification.
The brain (main controller) did not receive attitude and position information from the flight controller.
Move the aircraft to an open outdoor area and restart the drone. If the issue persists, replace the main antenna.
The aircraft suddenly detects an obstacle below the safe distance threshold in its forward path and cannot avoid it in time (e.g., water mist, sand, thin wires, radar noise, etc.). If the radar identifies an obstruction that cannot be avoided, it will report "no route available." This is part of the J100 safety recognition settings, which are highly effective in detecting linear obstacles. If terrain fluctuations cause radar surface contamination (e.g., from liquid chemicals), clean the radar surface with alcohol. Wipe it clean after each flight to ensure the highest level of safety.
Troubleshooting Methods:
1、Switch to manual mode, use the radar display and FPV (First-Person View) to maneuver the aircraft forward or backward, bypassing obstacles shown on the radar. Then, switch back to automatic mode and select "Return to Projection Point" (do NOT choose "Return to Breakpoint").
2、Enable terrain-following mode only, ensure there are no overhead wires, then switch to manual mode and use the radar display and FPV to ascend the aircraft 3–5 meters. Finally, switch back to automatic mode and select "Return to Breakpoint" or "Return to Projection Point".
3、If the takeoff area has heavy dust/sand, set a higher takeoff altitude to reduce interference from dust particles.
Abnormal data detected from the current domain controller.
Turn off the main and auxiliary power supplies to restart the system. If the issue persists, reflash the co-controller firmware.
No data detected from the current domain controller.
Click "Restart" in the app to perform a soft restart. If the issue persists, reflash the domain controller firmware.
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